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  • FX Empire Editorial Board

    Forex trading is a high risk/high reward endeavor and as such, it takes certain types of personalities to be able to accept these risks. Investment advisors usually assess the capacity of an investor to take risks by taking into account their age, the size of their investment, when they plan

  • FX Empire Editorial Board

    “Recent studies show that a 5 millisecond server delay could cost a firm as much as 4 million USD every millisecond” A stark reminder of just how influential technology can be in the daily lives of traders, but how many really give thought to the technology they use on a

  • Without a doubt, trading is an awesome business; however, it is only so when one appreciates it as an real business venture. Majority of traders get to this point only after enduring several financial misfortunes. Nonetheless, when they finally come to this realization, they get immensely rewarded. Most traders miss

  • ECN stands for “Electronic Communication Network” that provides direct interaction of individual traders and banks. The latter, along with the major brokers, place orders on behalf of their traders. Due to the order matching mechanism, being the essence of any ECN technology, the opposite orders of market players get executed

  • businessman trader
    Barry Norman

    Most of us know the term “scalping” from grabbing those concert tickets or football tickets outside a sold out event. Now it is even legitimized and there are online scalping businesses.

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