
Natural Gas Prices Forecast: Warming Weather Trends Weighing on Demand Outlook

James Hyerczyk
Published: Nov 29, 2023, 13:27 GMT+00:00

Natural gas futures retreat, reflecting concerns over milder weather and high storage levels.

Natural Gas Prices Forecast

In this article:


  • Cold weather fails to lift natural gas futures with traders focused on the future.
  • Milder forecasts predict lower natural gas demand.
  • Bearish natural gas market amid robust supply.

Cold Weather vs. Technical Indicators

US natural gas futures are lower on Wednesday, despite cold weather across the US, including regions as far south as Florida. This movement seems at odds with the technical bounce observed on the daily chart, indicating a complex interplay between weather-driven demand and market technicals.

Short-Term Demand Outlook

According to NatGasWeather, the current strong demand due to low temperatures will give way to lighter demand as temperatures normalize across the US. This shift in weather patterns, leading to warmer temperatures, is expected to result in a decrease in national demand for natural gas.

Market Reactions and Predictions

January natural gas futures are trading lower at $2.821, down by 0.56%. This follows a significant drop in futures on Tuesday, driven by forecasts for milder weather and reduced heating demand. The market also reflects concerns about high storage levels and record output, reducing the need for gas withdrawals.

Supply and Demand Dynamics

US gas production remains robust, with recent output setting records. However, a predicted one-day drop in production, coupled with fluctuating export levels to Mexico and changing LNG plant demands, adds layers to the supply-demand equation.

Outlook: Bearish Tendencies Amid Changing Weather and Supply

In summary, the natural gas market is currently bearish, influenced by the anticipated warmer weather reducing heating demand, robust supply levels, and evolving export dynamics. This scenario is likely to persist in the short term, given the current and forecasted market conditions.

Technical Analysis

Daily Natural Gas

The current market sentiment for natural gas futures is leaning towards bearish. The daily price of 2.820 is precisely at the minor resistance level, indicating a pivotal moment for future price direction. This price is significantly above the 200-day moving average of 2.618, suggesting a longer-term upward trend, but it is below the 50-day moving average of 3.063, highlighting recent bearish momentum.

The positioning of the current price relative to these moving averages and the minor resistance level suggests a market that is at a crossroads, with potential for downward movement if the minor resistance level holds.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
