
US Dollar Index Forecast for 2024: DXY Bears Eye 87.00 Target

James Hyerczyk
Updated: Dec 30, 2023, 01:59 GMT+00:00

Federal Reserve rate cuts, presidential election impact, and BRICS power plays to challenge the U.S. Dollar's dominance in 2024.

US Dollar Index (DXY)


  • Fed Policy Influences 2024 Dollar Strength
  • Political Climate to Shape Currency Valuations
  • Geopolitical Shifts Impact Global Currency Markets

2023 Market Overview

In 2023, the US Dollar Index (DXY) was significantly influenced by the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, maintaining steady interest rates across three policy meetings. Despite this steadiness, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s remarks hinted at potential rate cuts in 2024, particularly focusing on inflation reversals.

This shift in tone led to a changing market consensus on Wall Street, evidenced by a divergence from the Fed’s end-of-2024 interest rate projection of 4.6%, with the market expecting more aggressive easing. Financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, and Macquarie revised their forecasts in response, predicting earlier and faster rate cuts.

Additionally, the dollar’s strength in 2023 was intricately tied to global economic fluctuations, with the slowing economies of key trading partners and shifting trade dynamics contributing to a heightened demand for the dollar as a safe-haven currency, despite underlying uncertainties in global markets. These factors collectively contributed to the DXY’s volatility and set the stage for the currency market trends in 2024.

2023 US Dollar Index Performance

US Dollar Index (DXY)
2023 Daily US Dollar Index (DXY)

The DXY was mostly rangebound in 2023, enjoying some bullishness on the strong side of the 200-day moving average early in the year. However, crossing to the weakside of the same moving average late in the year has flipped the script to bearish as we enter 2024.

Economic Outlook for 2024

In 2024, the U.S. economic landscape is anticipated to continue its expansion, supported by solid consumer spending and sustained private investment. Growth is expected to align with the long-run rate of about 1.8%, propelled by real personal income gains and policy tailwinds from both fiscal and monetary authorities.

This projected growth marks a stabilization when compared to the more tumultuous economic conditions of the previous years, characterized by recovery efforts post-pandemic and fluctuating inflation rates. Inflation is projected to ease back to a more manageable range of 2.5% to 3%, signaling a retreat from the higher rates experienced in the immediate post-pandemic period.

The Federal Reserve’s policy outlook includes significant rate cuts, with forecasts indicating four 25 basis-point reductions starting in June, bringing the federal funds rate to a range of 4.25% to 4.5% by year-end, in contrast to the more aggressive rate hikes seen in previous years. These cuts are positioned ahead of a looming maturity wall in corporate debt expected in 2025. Furthermore, monthly job gains are likely to slow, leading to a slight uptick in unemployment. However, robust employment combined with falling inflation is expected to yield gains in real disposable income for American households, sustaining the economic expansion.

Political Climate and 2024 Elections

The political climate in the U.S., particularly with the impending 2024 elections, is poised to significantly influence the dollar and broader financial markets. Historical patterns suggest that presidential election years often bring volatility, with potential shifts in policy direction causing fluctuations in the dollar’s value.

The 2024 elections are expected to be especially impactful, given the current state of heightened political polarization. Key policy debates and candidate positions could lead to uncertainties that affect investor sentiment and currency valuations. For instance, a shift towards more protectionist trade policies could lead to a stronger dollar in the short term, as it might reduce the U.S. trade deficit. Conversely, a move towards more open trade policies could pressure the dollar downwards.

In terms of fiscal policy, changes in government spending and taxation, depending on the election’s outcome, could either boost or dampen economic growth, subsequently affecting the dollar’s strength. The election’s outcome might lead to alterations in trade, taxation, and fiscal spending policies, which in turn could substantially affect the U.S. economic outlook and the DXY. As such, traders and investors are closely watching the U.S. political developments as a critical factor in their market strategies for 2024.

Geopolitical Dynamics

In 2024, geopolitical factors are set to play a crucial role in influencing the U.S. dollar. International tensions, especially in the Middle East, and the evolving roles of BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) will significantly impact global currency markets.

The divide among global superpowers, particularly highlighted by the ‘no limits’ partnership forged between China and Russia in early 2022, has accentuated global divisions, significantly affecting international trade and financial systems. These developments, including the move towards a BRICS currency and non-dollar petroleum sales, suggest a shift from the dollar’s dominance in global trade.

Such a reduction in the dollar’s global role could lead to inflationary consequences, as its diminished role might reduce its purchasing power, affecting commodity prices and the purchasing power of other currencies. For instance, increased trade tensions could lead to the implementation of new tariffs or trade agreements that directly affect currency flows and the dollar’s valuation. Similarly, the growing influence of BRICS nations could encourage a shift in global trade networks, potentially leading to alternative financial systems where the dollar is less dominant. These geopolitical factors might result in the U.S. having to renegotiate trade deals or adjust its financial policies, directly impacting the dollar’s strength in international markets.

In 2024, currency market trends are expected to be significantly influenced by the evolving movements of the U.S. dollar against major and emerging market currencies. The dollar index, reflecting the dollar’s strength against currencies like the euro, British pound, Japanese yen, and others, is anticipated to experience high price variance due to volatile economic and geopolitical factors.

The index, which slipped to around 100.00 in late 2023, highlights the market’s response to the Federal Reserve’s dovish shift and the prospect of lower U.S. interest rates. This movement indicates a decrease in the dollar’s strength against component currencies of the index. Additionally, emerging trends, such as the strengthening of currencies in emerging markets, could lead to a realignment of global trade balances and potentially enhance the financial stability in these regions.

This shift in emerging market trends might lead to increased volatility and a reevaluation of traditional currency pairs, impacting speculative positioning in currency markets in 2024.

Investment Flows and Capital Markets

In 2024, investment flows and capital markets are expected to significantly influence the US Dollar Index (DXY). Cross-border investment flows, particularly in the context of changing Federal Reserve policies, will significantly impact the dollar’s valuation.

As the Fed anticipates rate cuts, reducing the federal funds rate to a range of 4.25% to 4.5% by year-end, this shift is likely to affect international investment strategies, potentially altering capital flows into and out of the United States. Furthermore, the relationship between the US stock and bond markets and the dollar will remain a critical factor.

The bond market will be particularly responsive to Fed policy shifts, affecting borrowing and lending activities across various sectors. Additionally, global investment trends, driven by economic and geopolitical factors, will play a crucial role in currency valuation, with the dollar’s position as a global reserve currency making it sensitive to these changes. Sustained changes in these investment flows could reshape the global financial landscape, potentially leading to new centers of financial influence and altering the nature of international capital markets over the long term.

2024 US Dollar Index Technical Forecast

Weekly US Dollar INdex (DXY)

The DXY’s descending triangle on the weekly chart, with a flat support at 100.820 and lower highs at 114.778 and 107.348, suggests bearish momentum.

This pattern indicates sellers overpowering buyers, pressing the index down with each rally attempt. A decisive break below the 100.820 support could trigger further declines.

The projected downside target, derived from the pattern’s height, is approximately 86.862, marking significant potential depreciation should the support give way.

However, traders should monitor for confirming signals, as triangles can also reverse unexpectedly.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
