
Precious Metals About to Pull a Crazy Ivan

Chris Vermeulen
Published: Aug 28, 2019, 11:41 GMT+00:00

Nearly a month ago, we authored our “Crazy Ivan” research post suggesting that precious metals were about to pull a massive “crazy price move” while the

Precious Metals About to Pull a Crazy Ivan

Nearly a month ago, we authored our “Crazy Ivan” research post suggesting that precious metals were about to pull a massive “crazy price move” while the US and Global markets breakdown in an attempt to revalue risk, support, resistance, and other unknown factors trying to “revalue” price to more suitable levels given future expectations.

The moves in Gold and Silver over the past 4+ weeks has been incredible.  The biggest surprise is in silver, even though we called this move as well.  The way precious metals prices transition through periods of risk or fear is that Gold increases in value as fear drives investors into Gold.  Whereas, Silver, the lesser shiny metal, which has seen prices further depressed over the past 5+ years, attempts to revert to a less depressed “fair value” to Gold.  This process happens every time Gold begins to move substantially higher and results in an incredible opportunity for Silver traders. But first, be sure to opt-in to our free market forecast newsletter

What is the Crazy Ivan event?  It is our belief that Gold and Silver will attempt to rally well beyond levels most analysts have been predicting for this year.  In fact, we believe Gold could be trading above $1750+ before the end of 2019 because of this Crazy Ivan event that we believe is unfolding right now.  This event is based on our belief that a massive shift in the capital will take place as soon as the US major indexes break below key support.  Once this support is broken, we believe the Crazy Ivan event will really begin to take form.


Our research team believes Gold will have one last period where the price will pause before attempting to rally much further.  In fact, we believe Gold will potentially retrace to levels near or below $1500 one last time before the real Crazy Ivan event is unleashed.  This means we should be patient and wait for the next setup in Gold and Silver before jumping into any new trades.

Gold should pause near $1600, roll a bit lower towards the $1500 level near the end of September 2019, then begin setting up another “momentum base” to launch into the next rally.  Skilled technical traders should be very aware of this setup and not try to chase short term trades at this point.   Wait for the rotation to setup and wait for the momentum base before entering your next Gold trades.


Silver will likely Follow Gold in this manner and rotate by a smaller amount – likely only $0.60 to $0.75 from a peak near $18.75.  Therefore, any opportunity to buy Silver below or near $18 is still a valid entry point before the next big move higher.

We, honestly, hope you were following our research last year and earlier this year where we continued to urge our followers and members to load up on physical metals while they could (before this big move started).  Even right now, you can still take advantage of the relatively low price levels before the next big move higher.


This is the start of the Crazy Ivan price move we warned you about nearly a month ago.  We need to wait for one last minor price rotation in both Gold and Silver before the bigger Crazy Ivan price event hits.  We are only 7 to 14 days away from the start of that event.  Wait for Gold to rotate as we suggest and set up the Momentum Base near the middle of September – then get ready for the next leg of the Crazy Ivan even to hit. Ride my coattails as I navigate these financial market and build wealth while others lose nearly everything they own during the next financial crisis.

In short, you should be starting to get a feel of where commodities and asset class is headed for the next 8+ months. The next step is knowing when and what to buy and sell as these turning points take place, and this is the hard part. If you want someone to guide you through the next 12-24 months complete with detailed market analysis and trade alerts (entry, targets and exit price levels) join my ETF Trading Newsletter.

Chris Vermeulen

About the Author

Chris Vermeulencontributor

Chris Vermeulen has been involved in the markets since 1997 and is the founder of Technical Traders Ltd. He is an internationally recognized technical analyst, trader, and author of the book: 7 Steps to Win With Logic
