
Bank of England Keeps Interest Rates Unchanged, Hints at Future Decrease

James Hyerczyk
Updated: May 9, 2024, 13:52 GMT+00:00

Key Points:

  • Bank of England maintains rate, aims for 2% inflation target.
  • UK's economic growth lags behind potential, increasing slack.
  • MPC projects CPI to stabilize, maintaining tight monetary policy.
Bank of England

Monetary Policy Stability

The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has opted to maintain the Bank Rate at 5.25% after their recent meeting on May 8, 2024. The decision, supported by a 7-2 vote, reflects ongoing efforts to hit the central bank’s 2% inflation target, amidst varied global economic conditions and domestic growth challenges.

International and Domestic Economic Outlook

Globally, economic growth has shown more vigor in the United States compared to the euro area. Inflation pressures, although moderating, have done so less than anticipated in the U.S., influencing a rise in forward interest rates that impacts other regions, including the UK. Domestically, the UK economy shows a modest recovery with a 0.4% growth in Q1 and an expected 0.2% in Q2 of 2024. However, growth rates are projected to remain below potential supply growth, introducing a margin of economic slack that could persist into 2025.

March’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation in the UK decreased slightly to 3.2% from 3.4% in February. The forecast anticipates CPI nearing the 2% target soon but sees a slight rise later in the year due to the phasing out of certain energy price caps. Labor market conditions, though easing, continue to exhibit tightness historically with a noteworthy decline in annual average earnings growth to 6.0%.

Monetary Policy Projections

Despite the current economic slack, the MPC projects CPI inflation to stabilize around 1.9% in two years and further drop to 1.6% in three years, based on current market interest rates. The committee has reiterated the importance of maintaining a restrictive monetary policy to ensure inflation steadily returns to the 2% target, considering potential persistent inflation risks.

Market Forecast

Given the MPC’s commitment to a restrictive monetary policy and the emerging economic slack, the outlook remains cautiously bearish in the short term. Traders should monitor upcoming economic data releases closely, as these will influence the MPC’s ongoing assessment of inflationary pressures and necessary adjustments to the Bank Rate. The stance suggests a guarded approach to inflation control, with potential for policy tightening should inflationary pressures not recede as projected.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
