
Oil Prices Forecast: Navigating the Bullish Surge Amid OPEC Production Cuts, US Inventory Drops

James Hyerczyk
Published: Sep 7, 2023, 04:26 GMT+00:00

Crude Oil News: U.S. inventories project a drop, signaling tighter supplies and shifting market dynamics.

Oil Prices Forecast

In this article:


  • U.S. crude inventories to drop 5.5 million barrels for week ending Sept. 1.
  • The anticipated decrease signals a tightening oil supply in the market.
  • U.S. dollar strength could temper oil demand.

U.S. Oil Inventory Dynamics

U.S. crude oil inventories were projected to drop by 5.5 million barrels for the week ending Sept. 1, an indicator of tightening supplies. This projection comes from market sources referencing data from the American Petroleum Institute (API). Confirmatory data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) will be released at 15:00 GMT on Thursday.

Extended Supply Cuts Boost Prices

Oil prices saw a boost earlier in the week after major oil producers, Saudi Arabia and Russia, chose to prolong their voluntary oil supply cuts until the end of the year. Saudi Arabia slashed its oil production by 1 million barrels per day, whereas Russia reduced its output by 300,000 barrels per day. These decisions came in addition to the earlier production cut in April, agreed upon by several OPEC+ producers, scheduled to run till the end of 2024. It’s also noteworthy that both nations have committed to monthly reviews of these cuts based on prevailing market conditions.

Short-Term Market Responses

The anticipation of dwindling U.S. crude oil inventories, coupled with the continued production cuts from Saudi Arabia and Russia, caused oil prices to rally. Brent crude futures climbed to $90.60 a barrel, and U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures reached $87.54. The present Brent futures trade near a nine-month high, suggesting the market is pricing in a short-term supply crunch.

Economic Factors and Concerns

However, the global economy presents potential headwinds for oil. The U.S. dollar’s recent surge might impact oil demand, as a robust dollar renders crude oil more costly for those dealing in other currencies. Furthermore, looming rate-hike fears and uncertainties surrounding the economic landscape are acting as counterweights. Analysts also caution that the upcoming maintenance period for U.S. refineries in September-October could curb demand.

Forecast: Mixed Signals Ahead

While the short-term view might appear bullish due to shrinking inventories and supply cuts, several factors could dampen the upward trajectory. These include the U.S. dollar’s strength, potential oil supply boosts from nations like Iran, Venezuela, and Libya, and upcoming refinery maintenance schedules. Consequently, traders should remain alert to both bullish and bearish pressures in the coming weeks.

Technical Analysis

4-Hour Light Crude Oil Futures

The Light Crude Oil Futures is exhibiting a bullish stance. The current 4-hour price of $87.24 is comfortably above both the 200-4H moving average of $81.51 and the 50-4H moving average of $83.73, confirming a strong upward trajectory. The 14-4H RSI reading at 65.47 underscores this bullish sentiment, indicating stronger momentum, although nearing overbought territory.

While the price is currently sandwiched between the main support zone of $84.89 to $83.81 and the resistance area of $88.68 to $90.10, its position above both crucial moving averages solidifies the prevailing bullish sentiment in the market.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
