
Oil Prices Forecast: Skepticism Shadows OPEC+ Production Cuts

James Hyerczyk
Updated: Dec 3, 2023, 05:30 GMT+00:00

Oil prices fell amid OPEC+ cut announcements and enforcement doubts, with market skepticism setting a bearish tone, yet compliance may shift outlook.

Oil Prices Forecast

In this article:


  • Brent and WTI fall over 1.9% for the week amid market doubts.
  • OPEC+ plans 2.2 million bpd cut, skepticism abounds.
  • Doubts on voluntary OPEC cuts raise market concerns.
  • Bearish oil forecast, pending OPEC+ compliance clarity.

Recap of This Week’s Crude Oil Market

Last week’s crude oil market was characterized by a notable decline, with Brent crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) futures both retreating by over 1.9%. The decline was a reaction to a combination of factors including investor skepticism about the depth of OPEC+ supply cuts and concerns over a global manufacturing slowdown impacting demand.

Weekly Light Crude Oil Futures

OPEC+ Agrees on Supply Cuts Amidst Market Skepticism

OPEC+ members have agreed to slash their output by approximately 2.2 million barrels per day (bpd) starting in the first quarter of next year. This figure includes a continuation of the 1.3 million bpd voluntary cuts by heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Russia. Despite the agreement, traders remained dubious, questioning whether OPEC+ members will comply fully with the cuts and the impact these will have on the market.

Market Reaction to OPEC+ Announcements

Following the announcement, oil prices slumped by more than 2% on Friday, closing the week on a bearish note. This reaction underscores the market’s uncertainty about the effectiveness of the cuts and the global economic outlook. The market’s tepid response also reflects a level of disappointment, as some investors had anticipated more aggressive action from the oil cartel.

Voluntary Nature of Cuts Raises Doubts

The voluntary aspect of the OPEC+ agreement led to skepticism about the potential for full compliance. Additionally, the lack of a collective revision of production targets further clouded the market’s perception of the cuts’ enforceability and effectiveness. With each member state issuing individual statements about their commitments, the market is left guessing about the actual reduction in oil supply that will materialize.

Impact on Oil Prices and Market Balance

If OPEC+ members honor their commitments, the reduced supply could place upward pressure on prices. However, the market remains cautious, with the current economic headwinds and potential for non-compliance tempering expectations. Analysts will be closely watching for signs of strict adherence to the cutbacks, which would likely result in a more balanced market and potentially higher prices.

Next Week’s Forecast

Looking ahead to next week, the forecast is bearish, considering the recent performance and prevailing market uncertainties. Persistent high-interest rates in major economies could further weaken oil demand, while the skepticism surrounding the OPEC+ supply cuts may continue to inhibit any potential recovery in prices. Unless OPEC+ members demonstrate a unified and transparent approach to the cuts, bolstering market confidence, the outlook will remain bearish.

However, should compliance with the agreed production cuts be clearer and more credible, there could be a shift towards a more bullish outlook. Market participants will be watching for any indicators of a coordinated approach by OPEC+ members to sustain the cuts, as well as for signs of economic stabilization that could reinforce demand. In the absence of such developments, the bearish trend is likely to persist in the short term.

About the Author

James is a Florida-based technical analyst, market researcher, educator and trader with 35+ years of experience. He is an expert in the area of patterns, price and time analysis as it applies to futures, Forex, and stocks.
