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Education - Advanced

  • Cryptocurrencies: when security and risk merge
    Dmitriy Gurkovskiy

    Digital technologies became ingrained in our everyday lives. For a long time, the world has been evolving toward various gadgets and using technological solutions for productive use only. The latest global financial crisis forced the technological and financial world draw its focus toward something new: cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are financial units,

  • Uranium
    Jochen Staiger

    Uranium is still the anchor energy source for a stable base load in the world. The 2017 Uranium report has confirmed that uranium production is in a deficit and with energy consumption that is rising every year through e-mobility and Japanese reactors, there are companies that must fill the gap.

  • Currency re-evaluation: A looming reality or a wild card?
    Samantha Robb

    The subject of global currency revaluation has sparked a lot of controversy over the years; some commentators are counting down the days until it will no longer be a choice, and others are adamant that such a possibility does not exist. Currency standardisation did not appear until 1940, when two

  • Forex VPS Hosting
    Bob Mason

    A virtual private server (“VPS”) is a form of web hosting, which uses data centre facilities to allow businesses to locate physical hardware to provide a direct ISP connection, with Forex VPS data centres or professional computer-server facilities providing the ability for trading entities to host their trading software for

  • Technical Analysis
    Tomasz Wiśniewski

    The thing with the technical analysis is that you can believe in it or not but your belief cannot question the efficiency. Some parts of the technical analysis just work and you cannot argue with the facts. In this article I will show You the correction equalities, which are not

  • Developing your Trading Strategy
    David Becker

    Trading is a business, pure and simple, and the goal is to generate revenues that produces the best risk adjusted returns as an investment. 

  • The Benefits of a Trailing Stop
    David Becker

    The most important part of any trading strategy is determining the specific style of risk management you plan on evoking.

  • April Might be a Strong Month for Stocks
    David Becker

    Trading ideas can be generated in a number of ways.  Although a transaction is usually focused on a specific asset or sector, one can generalize a movement over time using statistical analysis.  One of the best ways to attain an overview of where a specific security or sector will move

  • Finding the Drivers of the Stock Market
    David Becker

    When traders think about the stock market, they generally view it as the S&P 500 or the DAX or Nikkei.  But stock markets are much more than indices, stocks markets are a market of stocks. 

  • David Becker

    Natural gas in its most natural form is a gas as opposed to a liquid.  Many are confused and equate this product to gasoline which is refined from crude oil and part of the distillation process. 

  • David Becker

    Fear and greed are the emotions that generally dominate the capital markets. 

  • David Becker

    There are a myriad of trading strategies which can be utilized by forex traders to get an upper hand on the forex markets. 

  • David Becker

    There are many times during the ebb and flow of the capital markets that specific commodities take on a large global role and drive the direction of other assets.

  • David Becker

    Traders have numerous forms of trading strategies that they leverage off of on a consistent basis.

  • David Becker

    Forex traders are always looking for new trading techniques to increase their odds at successful trading opportunities.

  • Volatility Risk
    David Becker

    There are numerous reasons why markets crash and there are varies affects that takes place within the global markets when specific effects takes place.

  • David Becker

    Forex trading can be a rollercoaster ride and part of the twists and turns is market sentiment. 

  • David Becker

    It is import to understand that assets movements do not operate in a vacuum.  Changes nearly always induce a reaction of some sort, and this is the case in the capital markets.  When there are changes, in the global macro environment, they are usually reflected in the currency market, which

  • David Becker

    Forex traders should always keep a close eye on interest rate policies when trading forex.  It is imperative to understand interest rate policy both within the United States and abroad.   Today, interest rate policies and exchange rates affect forex trading in numerous ways. 

  • David Becker

    Market sentiment plays a major role when trading the forex markets.  Each and every forex trader has some opinion on what the direction the markets are moving in. 

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